Strong Winds Collapse Stage At Mexican Campaign Rally, 9 Killed And Over 60 Injured

A powerful gust of wind caused a stage to collapse at a campaign rally for Mexican presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez on Wednesday evening in the northern state of Nuevo Leon. The tragic incident claimed the lives of nine people including a child and injured 63 others according to Gov. Samuel García (MC-NL).

Máynez who is currently running third in the polls was delivering a speech when he noticed a giant screen and metal structure falling towards him. He managed to escape harm by running to the back of the stage moments before the structure collapsed.

Attendees at the rally were seen in videos screaming and fleeing the scene while some were trapped under the fallen metal poles. “The only important thing at this point is to care for the victims of the accident” Máynez said after being treated at a hospital and announcing the suspension of his upcoming campaign events.

García a leading member of Máynez’s Citizens Movement party urged residents in the area to take shelter for two hours due to the dangerous weather conditions. The front-runners in the presidential race Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez expressed their condolences with Sheinbaum canceling a Thursday campaign event in Monterrey “in solidarity” with the victims and their families.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador also offered his sympathies saying he “sends a hug to family members, friends of the victims and political supporters.”
The horrific incident adds to an already dangerous campaign season in Mexico that has witnessed the murders of approximately two dozen candidates running for office.

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