Our Team
The best way to ensure you, our readers, are getting the highest quality content possible is to reiterate and enforce the editorial standards set forth by the Republican Watch management team. We are firm, but fair, and devoted to our mission. Our commitment to delivering trustworthy news is unwavering.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism of any kind. Period. End of statement. This includes blatant theft of ideas or lazily rewriting someone else’s hard work to try to pass it off as unique. We don’t play games with our news; and anyone found guilty is immediately dismissed from the team.
Conflicts of Interest
All members of the team are contractually obligated to let us know if they ever encounter a conflict of interest of any kind. Decisions can be made — whether to make a disclosure, assign a story to another writer, or simply pass for a better option. No matter what, we’re committed to ensuring we operate independently. We will never end up in anyone’s pocket.
All of our work is thoroughly vetted and fact-checked. We are dedicated to our mission. Every journalist cross-references against multiple sources and makes the proper citations. They are also responsible for protecting live sources, as appropriate and in accordance with proper journalistic standards.
Stuff happens and we may occasionally miss an update or make a mistake. We take this very seriously and will work diligently to transparently make any correction discovered or brought to our attention.
Reach Out to the Team
We value you and your opinions. Don’t hesitate to email us at any time with your criticisms or feedback. See a mistake? Tell us. We won’t shy away. What we DO want is to build a strong, long-lasting relationship with each and every one of you.