Chris Christie And Tucker Carlson Feud Over Ukraine

Fresh off hosting The Family Leadership Summit, where Tucker Carlson engaged in discussions with several prominent Republican politicians, the former Fox News anchor found himself in a heated exchange with Republican primary candidate and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

Two days after the event, Carlson launched a counterattack on Christie, who publicly criticized Tucker’s views on the Ukraine war, claiming he had “always been wrong.” Christie appeared on the show “This Week,” taking aim at Carlson’s skepticism regarding the United States’ excessive involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

During the interview, host George Stephanopoulos asked Christie how he would have responded to Carlson’s questions about the Ukraine war he posed to various GOP presidential candidates during the summit.

Stephanopoulos queried, “If you were pressed on Ukraine like that, how would you have responded?”

Christie replied, “I would have said, ‘You’ve always been wrong about this, Tucker, and you’re still wrong. In reality … this is a proxy war with China. The Chinese are funding the Russian war by purchasing Russian oil. They are coordinating with the Iranians to provide lethal weapons to the Russian army.”

In response, Carlson fired back, stating, “Sounds like this warrants a longer conversation. We asked @GovChristie to sit down and explain his views on Ukraine. He declined.” Tucker wrote, “You hate to think that Chris Christie is a blustery coward who plays the tough guy with sycophants at ABC but won’t answer real questions, but who knows? We hope he reconsiders.”

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