Leftist Irish Senators Decry Possible McGregor Presidential Run

Liberals at the helm of the faltering Irish government reacted in horror at the prospect of MMA legend Conor McGregor considering a run for president.

At the forefront was Senator Eileen Flynn. The outraged politician told The Irish Sun on Friday that she would not nominate McGregor to “wash the dishes.” The Irish system requires 20 nominations from parliament members for a person to be eligible to run for president.

McGregor currently has none, and the reaction from the leftist body did not bode well for his chances.

The fighter did not take Flynn’s derision lying down. He recommended that she should see a dentist and called her the only decent reason for mask mandates to be reinstated.

McGregor further asserted that only 5% of the population supports the current government. He said that unlike the nation’s maligned political leadership, he has the support of the Irish masses.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk threw his support behind the five-time world champion. The owner of Tesla and SpaceX said he would trounce his opponents “single-handed” in a matchup that was “not even fair.”

The UFC superstar’s possible candidacy follows public outcry over the stabbing of six innocents allegedly carried out by an Algerian immigrant. When the people protested in the streets, leftist leaders denounced their calls for more strict immigration controls.

McGregor of course supported the masses and indicated he may take a much larger role in his nation’s direction. On Musk’s X, formerly Twitter, he wrote, “I listen. I support. I adapt. I have no affiliation/bias/favoritism toward any party…I’d even put it all to a vote.”

If elected, McGregor said power would not be in his hands. Rather, “it would be me and you.”

If his candidacy were to materialize, he noted it would put him in contention with three near-octogenarians. McGregor, by contrast with his opponents, would be “young, attractive, passionate” with “fresh skin in the game.”

McGregor promised government transparency where “currently there is none.”

He further blasted the dishonesty of the current government’s occupants in Ireland. “False promises come around the time of election and then it is literally straight ignorance in the face thereafter. It’s disgusting.”

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