Kamala Harris’ Gun Confiscation Plans Threaten Constitutional Rights

Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has reignited fears about government overreach with her past advocacy for using databases to send police to confiscate firearms from gun owners. This controversial stance, revealed during a 2019 Democratic primary forum, poses a serious threat to Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

In the wake of two deadly mass shootings in California and Texas, Harris voiced her readiness to take executive action to enforce comprehensive background checks, crack down on gun dealers, and ban the import of assault weapons. Drawing from her tenure as California’s attorney general, she recounted how she authorized police to “knock on the doors of people” on a state list of prohibited gun owners and confiscate their firearms.

“We sent law enforcement out to take those guns because we have to deal with this on all levels,” Harris said, a statement that has alarmed many gun rights advocates and constitutionalists.

In March, Harris launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center, designed to support state red flag laws. These laws allow for the temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals considered a danger to themselves or others, initiated through a civil judicial process.

The ERPO Resource Center, funded by a Department of Justice grant from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, has been met with resistance from nearly 20 GOP state attorneys general. They argue that these laws infringe on Second Amendment rights without proper due process. In a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, they stated, “The solution to gun violence is not more bureaucracy, and it is certainly not parting otherwise law-abiding men and women from their right to self-defense.”

Despite this opposition, some gun control advocates, including John Feinblatt of Everytown, have praised Harris’s initiatives. Feinblatt commended her leadership in the White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention, where she pushed to eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, ban assault weapons, and expand background checks.

However, there are indications that Harris has shifted her stance from the 2020 campaign. Unnamed advisers have suggested that she no longer supports a mandatory buyback of civilian-owned assault weapons, a move that could affect her support base among gun control advocates.

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