Catholic Leaders Sound Alarm Over Kamala Harris’s Stance On Religious Freedoms

Catholic leaders from organizations such as Students for Life of America, the Lepanto Institute, and the American Life League are expressing grave concerns about Kamala Harris’s perceived hostility toward Catholic values and religious freedoms. Harris, who was named the most liberal Senator in 2019, has a history of policies and actions that conflict with Catholic teachings.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has intensified enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, particularly following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. This law has been used predominantly against pro-life activists, raising accusations of bias. Furthermore, the administration’s Reproductive Rights Task Force was created to ensure compliance with the FACE Act.

Critics also highlight a controversial memo from the DOJ targeting Catholics attending Traditional Latin Masses and parents protesting radical gender ideologies in schools. Harris herself has been involved in several high-profile actions against pro-life individuals and organizations. As California’s attorney general, she pursued charges against pro-life journalist David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood’s alleged sale of aborted baby parts. Additionally, Harris supported a bill that would have forced pro-life pregnancy centers to inform women about abortion services, a measure later overturned by the Supreme Court.

Harris’s opposition to religious exemptions for companies like Hobby Lobby and her criticism of judicial nominees affiliated with the Knights of Columbus further illustrate her contentious relationship with Catholic values. Catholic leaders argue that Harris’s positions represent a significant threat to religious freedoms and the integrity of Catholic institutions.

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