The Jamul-Dulzura Union School District in California is on high alert after two consecutive incidents where illegal aliens attempted to board school buses. On Wednesday, a group of 20 illegal aliens tried to enter a bus as it was picking up students, marking the second such incident in just two days.
The first encounter happened on Tuesday when three men attempted to stop a school bus on Highway 94. The bus driver had to swerve around them to avoid confrontation. The following day, a much larger group of 20 individuals tried to board another bus at the same location. Thanks to the quick actions of parents at the bus stop, none of the illegal aliens were able to enter the bus.
In response to these alarming events, Superintendent Liz Bystedt sent a letter to parents outlining new safety protocols. Moving forward, buses will bypass stops where migrants are present and proceed to the next stop on the route to ensure student safety. Bystedt urged parents to stay vigilant and follow the bus to the next stop if necessary.
One parent, Nicole Cardinale, whose 8-year-old son was on the bus during the incident, described the situation as “really scary.” Her son recounted that the adults attempting to board the bus were carrying backpacks and were trying to gain access to the bus.
The San Diego Sheriff’s Office is investigating both incidents to determine if any laws were broken. Kimberly King from the Sheriff’s Department emphasized that student safety is a top priority and that they are working closely with the school district to maintain security.
These incidents highlight the growing security challenges faced by school districts near the border, where illegal immigration can directly impact the safety of students.